New Website! Birgitte Hendricks / SewDanish
Monday, April 16, 2012
A week ago I finally took the plunge, signed up for and created a personal website I had my blog and my shop but a proper website was missing. I have for the longest time been searching for a website set up, but nothing had been quite right, either from a price or design point of view.
I really don't know anything about html language and even though relatively swift on the computer, when it gets too technical, I bow out gracefully. I'm pretty much always up for a challenge, but this just seemed such a different avenue to go down, let alone spending the time.
Then a couple of weeks ago I came across a review on about a website design company called IndieMade: . Well the review was very positive and I started to do a thorough research to collect as much information that I could find, before deciding to sign up.
It has been fun and for the most part a very straight forward process creating my website. The day I signed up, I spend about 6 hours straight and got really far with ‘filling in the blanks’. Of course, like with all new setups, one has to get a feel for what is going on, but all in all I found the whole setup very intuitive to use. I still have some tweaking to do, but for now I’m actually rather pleased with the result.
One of the great features is, that I was able to import my Etsy shop (or at least half of my listings within the standard package that I signed up for) automatically. A couple of times I had questions to the support team of Indiemade and they responded very quickly.